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Even a beginner can learn to use the Master Levitation System and it will be like you’ve moved to the head of the class as far as your audience is concerned. You can do card tricks all day that require tons of complex sleights and countless hours of practice and still not get the same reaction that you’ll receive from performing one quick levitation. The levitation is the trick that your audience will remember and talk about long after your performance is over. Float coins, rings, cards,...
Speak his name 3 times aloud and he will appear. This is the legend of Pancho Diablo. Steve Fearson’s newest release is a close up animation and levitation illusion like no other. And it’s woven around a ghost story presentation that will leave your audience wondering...
Did you ever wish you could VANISH COMPLETELY? You know.. one minute you’re there and the next you’re not? Well now you can do EXACTLY THAT with Steve Fearson’s Goodbye Vanish illusion! Here’s what’s inside.. The Goodbye Vanish Vanish and reappear anytime,...
A selected card levitates off the top of the deck and hovers in mid-air! You wave your hand over and around the floating card, and even wave another playing card under it proving no support! The floating card descends gracefully back to the deck and… It is IMMEDIATELY offered...
Goodbye Thumb! If you like new twists on old tricks, or if you just like tricks where body parts get cut off, this is for you! Your thumb is stuck through a hole in two red cards which are stapled face to...
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